Monday, November 10, 2008

Crotch Watch - Day 7

It’s not good. There are three ingrown hairs, one of which is very infected and required a visit to the dr. (The same one who said it looked like a lawn mower attacked me) So I’m on antibiotics because of a waxing…be careful people!

DH is just hoping my vagina doesn’t fall off ...I just don't want to die of sepsis because of someone waxing my vy-jay-jay!


lalana said...

awwww... I'm assuming this will be the first and LAST time you get your hoo-ha waxed? Curious - did you go to a salon, or one of the Korean nail places? Shit like this is what makes me nervous about waxing.

HSMom said...

It was a regular full service salon...just not my regular one for waxing.

In all fairness to the salon, it was probably my allergic reaction and lack of response (didn't take benadryl until 40 hours later) that caused the hoo-ha complications.

And the hoo-ha is feeling better...just looks a bit like a pimply school boy on the right side :)

I'm freaked out by nail places after a friend of mine got an infected finger and her nail came off a couple of years ago. Also, the smell freaks me out.